Our Staff
Pastor Bobbie Blackburn
Senior Pastor
“I have been privileged to serve as Trinity's pastor since June of 1997. We are a lively congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Our mission is to share the Good News of Christ's love with our community and world.
You are invited to experience worship and community life at TLC, and discover if this is the place for you to grow in faith and serve God!”
Associate Pastor
Pastor Kerri True
“My passion is connecting folks to God and to each other. Together we can live out our faith as Jesus taught us: by doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God. We can support one another during our celebrations and our hardships, and we can make a difference in the world.
“I’m a graduate of Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis and, before that, Indiana University. I’m a former psychology professor. I enjoy movies, mountain biking, loud music, and cookies. My cat is 56% dog. Send me a good joke if you’ve got one.”
Edgar Bower
Music Co-Director
“I am very thankful to be your Music Co-Director from November through April. I have been a church music leader and organist since 1988 and hold Bachelors and Masters degrees in Music and Music Education. Please see me any Sunday, or feel free to call me (301-524-3600), if you have an interest in singing!”
Ann Hockin
Music Co-Director
Ann serves Sunday morning worship from May through October. She brings many years of experience and a significant knowledge of Lutheran liturgy and tradition. Ann works with our Sunday Praise Team, as well as our Sunday Singers and Ringers. To take part in one of the Sunday music groups, please reach out to Ann (601-217-5510).
Sondra Lee
Communications Specialist
Sondra works with church staff and Trinity members to get the word out about all our happenings using several platforms to reach people in our community and beyond. She guides our weekly worship streams to YouTube and Facebook. Helping others learn about Trinity’s Mission of "Being Neighbor + Sharing God's Transforming Love," is the primary goal for those who are involved in Trinity’s Communications efforts to meet the changing needs of our faith community and the community-at-large.
Barbara Robitaille
Parish Administrator
Barbara is the friendly greeter when you call or enter our offices on weekdays. In addition to overseeing office documentation management, she handles member and guest data, and oversees vendor issues.
Barbara can also be found quilting and sewing with the TLC Q's in the fall and winter!